
Skånes konstförening is a contemporary art space for exhibitions, events and pedagogy in the Södra Sofielund neighbourhood in Malmö, Sweden.

The organisation's program is interlaced through several threads. The first one is our curated exhibition program. The second one is our events, such as talks, releases, concerts, dance and performance. The third thread is pedagogy and neighborhood focused projects through engagement and collaboration with the public living and working in our local area. In addition, Skånes konstförening participates in contexts, initiates projects and implement programs with a regional focus.

The association was founded in 1904 by members of Skånska konstnärslaget and has since then had a prominent position in the art scene of the city and the region. The program is run as a non-profit art association, and the daily work is carried out by the regular staff made up of a curator, director, pedagogue and communicator, as well as hosts and technicians employed on an hourly basis. These are employed by the board of Skånes konstförening.

With the program, Skånes konstförening is creating a meeting place where we, together with artists, cultural workers, participants, and audiences, explore crucial artistic and social questions of our time.


Become a member and support Skånes konstförening! For only SEK 200 a year you get:

– Invitations to member's events
– One free publication
– Special discounts
– Right to vote at the annual meeting

Become a member by paying SEK 200 via Swish (1234074431) or Bankgiro (156-4897). Then send your contact information to .

The membership fees directly support our exhibitions and programs. Your support is invaluable!


Design: Vendela Wetterström
UX: Chuva Featherstone
Coding: Inka Interaktive, Malmö


Parts of Skånes konstförenings can be found at Skånes Arkivförbund in Lund.


Skånes konstförening's exhibitions and programs are financed through annual support from The Swedish Arts Council, Region Skåne, Malmö Stad, and ABF.

Opening hours

Wed–Fri: 13.00–17.00
Sat–Sun: 12.00–16.00


Skånes konstförening
Bragegatan 15
214 30 Malmö

Tel: 040 10 33 80


Albin Hillervik

Tawanda Appiah

Janneke Schoene
Communicator & Pedagogue

Ana Paz

Linus Svensson


Skånes konstförening's board 2023:

Lena Bergendahl (cashier)
Ellen Bjerborn (vice chair)
Khamlane Halsackda
Roxana Kaboli (chair)
Jari Malta
Lucy Smalley (secretary)
Ina Nian
Sophia Persdotter Persson

Follow us

Facebook: Skånes konstförening
Instagram: @skaneskonst
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