Konstnärssamtal med Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

Artist talk with Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
March 19, 13–14.30
This talk accompanies Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s exhibition THE SEAS WOUNDS at Skånes konstförening. The show hinges on an interdisciplinary mix of speculative fiction, video games, installation, and archive. Danielle uses speculative fiction as a way to examine power, kinship, and the historical weight of the Atlantic Ocean in regards to Black Trans histories.
Curator: C. Grace Chang
Artist bio
Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley (b. 1995, UK) is an artist working predominantly with digital media and performance. Their practice focuses on documenting the lives of Black Trans people, intertwining lived experiences with science fiction to imaginatively retell Trans stories—and to envision new futures. Spurred on by a desire to record the history of Trans people both living and past, their work often functions as an archive where Black Trans people are stored for the future.
Danielle’s work has been shown in Focal Point, Science Gallery, MU, Barbican, Tate, Les Urbains, as well as being part of the BBZ Alternative Graduate Show at the Copeland Gallery.