the song in my veins

Yasmina Karli Malmsten and Elia diane Fushi Bekene
the song in my veins
Nov 11–Dec 11 2022
Vernissage Nov 11, 18.00–21.00
Artist talk Nov 12, 15.00–16.00
Curator C. Grace Chang
This duo exhibition explores the body as a site for psychological healing, community healing, and our own internal polyphony: the voices of our many selves.
Throughout the large gallery, Yasmina has turned the space into interrelated worlds within different blocks of color. earthy beige, periwinkle, and a warm blue create the backdrop for communities of larger than life figures engaged in self- and mutual care.
The colors link to Elia’s own practice, which grows from, among other things, the four elements of air, fire, earth, and water—all significant parts of tarot, which Elia also incorporates into their artistic practice.
Artist Bios
Yasmina Karli Malmsten is an artist based in Malmö, Sweden. She focuses her work on softness and the way the body bends (and how it does not). She is an artist specializing in printmaking, painting, and illustration. Yasmina has previously exhibited at Arkana and Galleri Slätten in Malmö, Galleri Helle Knudsen and Grafiska Sällskapet in Stockholm, the Women’s Studio Workshop in New York, and is slated to exhibit at Gloucestershire Printmaking Cooperative in 2023. In 2019, Yasmina was also the recipient of the Zea May’s Printmaking Fellowship Residency, and she was the 2021 recipient of the Ann-Margret Lindell Stipend. In 2023, Yasmina will complete an artist residency at Kunstkvarteret in Lofoten, Norway.
Elia diane Fushi Bekene is a light-skinned Black trans non binary trauma-informed Care practitioner & artist based in Berlin who works on re-membering embodied experiences of awe, miracles, connection & Care. Their practice focuses on Black interiority, somatic memory & queer intimacies as avenues for creation, connection and healing.
Always reflecting on their longing for home and belonging, they create rituals and ceremonies as portals through which displaced people can step into a healing, imaginative space unburdened by colonialism’ many violences. Elia is also the creator of the Ancestral Healing Tarot deck, which reimagines Tarot through the lens of intergenerational trauma and healing.