Research seminar: Sweet Seved

Skånes Konstförening welcome you to Sweet Seved* – a research seminar supported by Malmö Stad.
We want this seminar to be a inspirational forum for exchange of ideas about intervening art. Contemporary art mixes in to reality and lots of artists develop strategies to work with social projects.
We want to look into the possibilities for art to create dialoges and how local initiatives where recidents take an active part, here exemplified by Seved, can create social values. How to develop these initiatives and how can the practical experiences of a residential area inspire and be inspired by the art practise? We hope to help this process through gathering cultural actors from Seved, Malmö and Öresund area for this meeting.
Parallell with the seminar, Anders Smolka will try to map out and connect cultural resourses in Seved. Theres many interesting initiatives that contributes to a better environment. And besides this Skånes Konstförening through Nina Jensen invites the recidents of Seved to the big group show Glasmo, that takes place in the gallery during the seminar. The show exhibits 13 artists from 11 countries and can exemplify the multicultural, globalized reality of today.
The seminar takes place sunday August 31 at Skånes Konstförenings at Bragegatan 15, second floor. We offer you a light vegetarian lunch and after the seminar you are warmly welcome to stay for drinks and further discussion. The number of seats are limited so please confirm your participance at the latest Friday August 22. The seminar is free and is held in english.
11:00 Opening and introduction by Jeanette Land Schou, Anders Smolka and Nina Jensen.
11:30 Photography from © Seved, lecture and slide show
12:30 Intro to Tapori Tiffani and lunch – Zeenath Hasan
14:00 SOUP and new projects – Gitte Juul
15:30 Egna Röster Egna Bilder – Amal Abdihakin from Hidde Iyo Dhaqan
16:30 Intervention as strategy – Mette Kit Jensen
18:00 Drinks and discussion
*The name “Sweet Seved” is taken from Hidde Iyo Dhaqan’s production of honey from bee hives at Seved roof tops.