Sunday Morning Movement Session

Sunday Morning Movement Session
June 3rd, 11:00-13:30
Skånes konstförening, Bragegatan 15, Malmö
Please join artists Cassie Thornton and Lisa Nyberg for this Sunday Morning Movement Session as we train our bodies to prepare for a future economy without racism, abuse and scarcity as technologies of control. Using ancient strategies of collective time-wasting, social discomfort, radical patience, and irrational embodiment, participants will use this space and time to experiment with new forms of care that can outlive the tyranny of normality, normativity and niceness. Breakfast will be served by Cassie Thornton and Lisa Nyberg.
Cassie Thornton‘s work investigates and reveals the impact of governmental and economic systems on public affect, behavior, and unconscious, with a focus on debt and security. Also referred to as the Feminist Economics Department (the FED), she uses dance, writing, visual art, hypnosis, experimental research, tours, and radio to reveal debt as a source of solidarity.
Malmö based artist Lisa Nyberg is experimenting with guided meditations as a form of radical pedagogy of the unknown, working to find ways for us to engage in an unsettling future.