Tommy Persson and Stina Persson: The sluggish flow of a fluid

Tommy Persson and Stina Persson: The sluggish flow of a fluid
Wed-Friday 13-17
Saturday and Sunday 13-16
During Easter: Thursday 24th April 13-17, Friday 25th – Sunday 27th 13-16
The exhibition stems from two individual artistry with common interests but different practices. Tommy Persson primarily works with photography and Stina Persson with objects and video. Whats common in their work is the interest in how reality reveals itself to us, to our minds, how we receive and sort the impressions and information we inevitably face everyday. Can seemingly insignificant observations and things in daily life say something about structures at a macro level? Several of the works in the exhibition result from a common experimental and playful approach that points in the direction of scientific inquiry.
Tommy Persson and Stina Persson took both his master’s degree at Umeå Art Academy in 2013. This is their first collaboration and joint exhibition. Tommy Persson was born and raised in Ängelholm but now lives and works in Gustavsberg. Stina Persson was born and raised in Burträsk and lives and works in Stockholm.