spelling the wind without words: interventions

Performances by Ruby Nilsson & Sanna Helena Berger
Event starts at 19.00
First performance at 19.30
As a part of spelling the wind without words, the artist Matilda Tjäder has created a series of interventions in response to the exhibition. First out is an evening of performances with Ruby Nilsson together with Ba Bladh and Sanna Helena Berger. The event will be followed by a performance with Rat Section on March 24. Stay tuned for more info!
breath ; a geometry of speed
by Ruby Nilsson and with Ba Bladh
a geometry of speed
where ears hurt
eyes weep
and lungs drown
from things unseen
breath ; a geometry of speed is based on an excerpt from Ruby’s new work fera*, rescored and rewritten as a performative intervention in Tjäder’s spelling the wind without words.
*fera is a theatre performance exploring dysphoria and dissociation as affective, temporal and spatial states. fera operates at the liminalities of realism. Its name, “fera” (etymologically “wild beast” / “to harm”), alludes to what is unbridled and wild in the construction of a life in common. fera is set in an ominous no man’s land, where one waits to be at once included and excluded.
fera is a new work by Ruby Nilsson and is made together with Andria Nyberg Forshage, Ba Bladh, Maja Lindström, Em Silén and Ida Silfverdal.
Minor Variations
By Sanna Helena Berger
As an intervention within Matilda Tjäder’s spelling the wind without words, Berger creates a sculptural setting for both flutes and a composition by wind instruments. Fragments of sound travels through the floors and walls of the building and are both closed off and let into rooms which Berger alters with glass and mirrors. Berger’s variations of Stockhausen pieces for wind instruments are accompanied by a live performance with Angelina Petrovic on flute.
Ruby Nilsson is a dramatist, writer and artist based in Malmö, Copenhagen and Stockholm. She is educated at the Royal Danish Art Academy and University of Södertörn. Her work revolves around the relationship between bodies and technologies of writing, often with a focus on different constructions of “the feminine”.
Ba Bladh is based in Copenhagen and educated at the Royal Danish Art Academy. Their artistic practice focuses on “queering” binary structures and breaking up linear time through Their performances. With a background in international politics, they mix theory with fiction in the creation of installations and performances.
Sanna Helena Berger is an artist working with site and situation-specific installations with critical agencies and auto-biographic transparency. Architectural interventions, sculpture, sound, text and performance are combined in installations which aim to foster reflexivity within the viewer by reflecting the situation and space within which the art is shown.