Slätten Snapshots: Fall Break Workshop

Slätten Snapshots: Fall Break Workshop
Workshop: Oct 30, 12–18
Exhibition: Nov 5–7
At Sevedsplan in Malmö
For all children and youth
Free of charge and drop in. No previous knowledge needed.
What happens when you get the chance to take a picture? Can the things you have around become art? Have you ever tried to use a disposable camera? What can be expressed through an image?
Skånes konstförening participates in this year’s Bästa Biennalen together with artists from the stuido collective Slätten. With tricky challenges and disposable cameras, you will find your motifs and explore our surroundings in a Photo Relay! The relay starts from Slätten’s temporary photo station at Sevedsplan in Malmö.
The images will be shown in a window exhibition in Seved during the last weekend of the Fall break, Nov 5–7. Welcome to participate in the Photo Relay or just to hang out and talk about photography with Slätten.
About Slätten
Slätten is a gallery and a studio collective in Malmö, with ten artists working with mediums like photography, film, painting, textile, sculpture and design.
About Bästa Biennalen
Bästa Biennalen takes place from October 23rd to November 7th in Southern Sweden, and it gives the oportunity to children and young people to experience and create art together.
In collaboration with Röda Korset and MKB and support from Malmö Stad’s grant for school break activities.