Sana Jarrar: Skörden

Sana Jarrar: Skörden
Sven and Ellida Hjort’s grant exhibition
6.02 – 5.03 2022
The arrival of a harvest is a process requiring trust upon its ritual. It demands us to put our body in motion, following a specific wisdom. But also, to wait, to be patient, to not fall into despair.
Skörden [The Harvest], a solo exhibition by Sana Jarrar, invites us to a landscape that sheds light on what grows forth from what is left behind. This series of paintings and sculptural pieces result from a profound spatial sensibility, a meticulous arrangement of objects and materials evoking the care with which we make a place feel like home. The artist observes her surroundings and uses what is at hand, while leaving room for the unexpected.
With Skörden, Sana Jarrar embraces the inherent abundance of modest materials, letting beauty sprout like an unrestrainable force.
SAKINA Magazine are the editors of the exhibition catalog. The release date will be announced shortly.
Sana Jarrar is a 22-year-old multidisciplinary artist born and raised in Lund with roots in Palestine and Italy. She is currently based in Stockholm, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in fine arts at Konstfack.
Curator: Jari Malta.
Poster design: Étienne José Eduardo.
Sven and Ellida Hjort’s Exhibition Grant is awarded annually to an up-and-coming based in Skåne. Hanni Kamaly was the first recipient of the grant in 2017, followed by LealVeileby, Ikram Abdulkadir and Cia Kanthi. The awarded artist is chosen by a jury appointed by the board of Skånes konstförening. The 2021 jury consisted of Ana María Bermeo (art historian, pedagogue), Andrés Díaz García (writer, artist) and Jari Malta (curator, writer).