Trick or Art! Fall Break Workshop with Filip Rahim Hansson

Tuesday–Thursday, November 1–3, 12–4 pm on Sevedsplan
– Free and drop in
– For children ana youth
– No previous experience needed
– You participate as long as you want to, one day or several
– We offer free food and fika
– In case of rain or wind we will be inside Fryshuset’s facilities at Sevedsplan
For this year’s fall break we have invited the artist Filip Rahim Hansson to lead a workshop on Sevedsplan. Together with Filip Rahim we will create scary artworks using different materials which will take place on the square. Help us build an enormous spider or make your own imaginative ghost!
Filip Rahim Hansson works with sculpture, painting and digital images, and is known for his large mural paintings across the city. With his art he spreads the idea that creativity is not about perfection and that art can create social encounters, acceptance and change. His art has both a playful and political side to it.
The workshop on Sevedsplan is initiated by Skånes konstförening and carried out in close collaboration with MKB, Fryshuset, Röda korset and Gatukontoret.
Skånes konstförening is supported by Malmö Stad, Region Skåne, Kulturrådet and ABF.