Performance: Srinagar Biennale presents In the name of lost memories

Performance: Srinagar Biennale presents In the Name of Lost Memories
Admission free
During wednesday the 7th of June the Sringar Biennale is presenting the performance In the Name of Lost Memories by Kaur Chimuk at Skånes konstförening.
As part of the programme Conflicting Spaces Chapter 1 for Srinager Biennale 2017 Malmö Node.
This idea is the extended version of artist previous work “conflicting expression”, this work is intimate solidarity towards the absence of all artist from conflicting land.More than anything this performance is a subtle interaction, between “preconceived gaze” and “intimation of expression” of existing conflicting spaces. The conflict is between the experience of real with absence, the idea of ‘state/nation’ with ‘freedom’ and with absolute idea compared with hypothetical space.
Organized by Meteor International