Bookrelease for the anthology Konst i Arbete

Konst i Arbete
Saturday 28/11, 16-20
Free entrance
Release of the anthology Konst i Arbete with new essays by Hans Carlsson, Bo Göranzon, Michele Masucci, Gertrud Sandqvist, Frida Sandström, Nina Svensson and with an art work by Marika Troili. The essays in the anthology are all written in swedish.
The readings starts at 5 pm, but Skånes is open from 4 pm. The bar is open, the book is for sale, and som of the atuhors will be present during the evening. Readings by Hans Carlsson, Frida Sandstrom and Marika Troili (in Swedish). The book is for sale and the bar is open.
In the anthology Konst i Arbete seven writers investigate different positions and relationships within and between art and work. How does human and artistic values manifest themselves, in relation to economic and political ones? Is there an antagonism in between these poles? And if so, how does this antagonism relate to currents of ideas and structural changes in society, as for example the construction of the welfare state, feminism, conceptual art, industrialization and the transition to a post-industrial society?
6.30. Filmprogram, “Manual Labours, Many Labours”
“Manual Labours, Many Labours” is a short film programme curated by Jenny Richards in collaboration with Filmform, exploring the body at work. Through a diverse series of work from Sweden’s Filmform archive and Cinenova – a non-profit organisation dedicated to distributing films and videos made by women, the programme charts the expansion of work and the eroding boundaries of the work place. By paying attention to the body at work within different work sites and scenarios the programme seeks to draw out the ways in which the body had adapted and responded to new working conditions and what common challenges can be shared between seemingly unconnected experiences.
The filmprogram includes: Carmen Carrascal – Cine Mujer (extract) (1970), Lene Berg – Man in the Background, Marie Bondeson: A Ruda Road Movie (2002), Peter Weiss: Enligt Lag (1957) och Eva Linder: Det är sexigt att betala skatt (2005)
The anthology Konst i Arbete has been financed by The Federation of Swedish Art Clubs (Sveriges Konstföreningar) and is part of the project Arbetets konst.Financial support comes from PostkodLotteriets Kulturstiftelse, stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne och Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden.
Manual Labours Many Labours is curated by Jenny Richards and made in collaboration with Filmform with the support from Sveriges Konsföreningar and PostkodLotteriet.
More information: www.sverigeskonstföreninga
For further information on Manual Labours Many Labours please visit: