Publication: Matilda Tjäder

The publication accompanying Matilda Tjäder’s exhibition spelling the wind without words is now available for purchase!
Malmö-based artist Matilda Tjäder was the recipient of the Sven and Ellida Hjort’s Exhibition Grant 2022.
From the jury’s statement:
“Matilda Tjäder’s artistic practice is a sharp, resourceful and affective exploration of different worlds. Through experimental storytelling, Tjäder invites and delicately immerses us into new fictitious worlds, rendering bare the fickle structures of our own world. The works’ dystopian tonality collides with the poetic meditations of text, performance, sound and motion with an undercurrent of humor subtly at play. With careful attention to other sensorial dimensions than sight, Tjäder leaves room for unexpected openings within the self, where transformation and refusals are always a possibility.”
The Sven and Ellida Hjort’s Exhibition Grant is awarded annually to an emerging artist from Skåne. Hanni Kamaly was the first recipient of the grant in 2017, followed by LealVeileby, Ikram Abdulkadir, Cia Kanthi, and Sana Jarrar. The 2022 jury, appointed by the board of Skånes konstförening, consisted of Jon Aagaard Gao (artist), Lena Bergendahl (artist), Khamlane Halsackda (dancer, choreographer) and Jonelle Twum (artistic director, film director).
Layout: Anna Sagström