Näktergal #10

Näktergal #10
Död [catacombacid]
Body & Guts [bloodambient]
Distörban [beatfetish]
Saturday June 10
The doors open at 7PM, first set starts 7.30PM, last set ends at 10PM.
Door: 30 kr
This is the tenth Näktergal taking place at Skånes konstförening. Se you in the rumble.
Distörban will open the evening with noisy and dirty hip-hop
The journey continues with Body & Guts, pulsating and dark, body-sampled experimental music. mörkt pulserande och kroppsamplande experimentalika.
The last act of the evening is Död, the sound of machines drained in reverb. Like shadows of acid in slow motion.
team nktrgl