I document my asylum process at the Migration Agency: Reading with Samira Motazedi

I document my asylum process at the Migration Agency – Reading with Samira Motazedi
22.9 kl.19
Samira Motazedi grew up in Iran, where she among other things worked politically for women’s and workers’ rights. In 2012, she fled to Sweden after being sentenced to death for adultery in Iran. During her time in Sweden, Samira has written about the Swedish asylum process and the Islamic regime in Iran, not least on her blog on the magazine Glänta’s website: glanta.org/motazedi.
During the evening Motazedi will read a number of texts from her blog. The texts will be read in farsi, and Elisabeth Hjorth will translate to Swedish.
The reading is part of the programme for the exhibition Facts don’t speak for themselves – Migration and European borders.